Monday, April 16, 2012

ONE WEEK and Counting

Well, Friday was tough; walking into a building that was once a happy place of monumental hope that quickly turned into a sad place of doubt and uncertainty.  Floor 6 please {for the millionth time}.

Blood work was first, followed by the beloved vag cam that I've had a near 3-month break from.  Oh, the joys.  My lining was already 8.1mm which looked good.  They'd like it to be at least 8.5mm by transfer.  My estradiol was around 87 and they'd like it to be around 100.  This meant that instead of adding 2 patches Saturday, I would add 3, for a total of 5!!!  Good Lord, that's a lot of lady hormones.

I went again today; this time for a doctor's sono.  He's FINALLY back from vacation...the vacation that delayed my FET by 3 weeks.  I hope it was worth it!!!  Anyhow, he didn't give me numbers but said, "We're ready."  I didn't get a phone call this afternoon, so I'm to remain on 5 patches that alternate {on DIFFERENT's madness}.

Last Lupron is tomorrow which is great because this morning's shot was strangely painful.  PIO shots start Wednesday and this round, I'll be doing 1/2cc in the morning and 1/2cc 10-12 hours later.  I'm going to be FINE but I haven't completely wrapped my brain around the gigantic needles this time...and TWICE a day...ugh.  My husband works late nights, so we're going to have to be creative {and by creative, I mean car shots}.  WOWZERS.

So, next Monday it is!  I'll go in at noon and the transfer will be at 12:30.  We'll be transferring 2 grade A snowbabies.  Thaw safely, sweet little ones!  I love you already.

I asked my hubby in the car, "Babe, we're gonna be alright if this doesn't work, right?"  He said, "Yeah, we are."  I know we'll be alright, regardless of the outcome.  I do have hope, but I'm more guarded this time around...


  1. Good luck with your transfer! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  2. We are total cycle buddies... transferring on the same day :) It's so nice when things come together as they should. And holy crapballs, that is a lot of PIO injections! I can not imagine having to do two a day! I complain enough on the days that I have to do an estradiol injection and a PIO, and that's only twice a week! You have my utmost respect :)

  3. Know what you mean about the clinic initially being a place of hope... and now of doubt :( But it's so great that you're ready to go and only have one week to go... that's wonderful news :)) Thinking of you as you count down the days and your little embies snowbabies as they come out of the thaw. Your determination and love for your future kids will get you there :) xo

  4. It sounds like you're right on track. Great news! I hope the transfer goes smoothly and your snow babies settle in soon. Good luck!!!

  5. Good luck! Sounds like everything is going really well and that you have some great totsicles to transfer. Hoping the 3 week wait was worth it.

  6. I have strangely painful Lupron shots sometimes too, and those usually leave nasty little bruises. :/ It's not my favorite injection, that's for sure. I'm doing a fresh cycle, but my ER/ET should be sometime next week, so we're cycle buddies! I know exactly what you mean about having hope, but being more guarded this time. I feel like an emotional fort this time around. I hope everything goes great next week and wish you lots of luck!

  7. That's great news. Wishing you lots of luck this time around!

  8. Good Luck and guarded is good. I have taken a 'hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst." sort of attititude. Enjoy the weekend and I look forward to updates!

  9. This WILL work. I know it is hard to think so after a failed transfer (hell I didn't even cry with failure #2) we get so hardened. But I am keeping positive for you no matter what, I know your time is soon.

  10. Good luck with your transfer - so exciting!

  11. I found your blog today, I like your sense of humor. I have a feeling we might go to the same place on the 6th floor, Dr. P?
    I am on my first IVF in the middle of the lovely Lupron/Gonal/Menopur shots. Some days they are infinitely harder than others, I am not sure why. Last night I had Lupron-brain in the middle of getting the injections ready and got scared I mixed the Gonal into the Menopur so I sat there and stared at the table until I figured out where I went wrong. Ugh, it is not nice when your brain doesn't cooperate. I still haven't wrapped my brain around the PIO shots. I just keep telling the imaginary kiddo "See what mommy is willing to go through for you?" ha and taking everything one day at a time.
    Best of luck to you on your snowbabies!
